About CAFA
CAFA is the Canadian Friends of ANIQUEM Health Development Corporation, originally incorporated as a non-profit corporation in October of 2006, with Ontario Corporation number 1705198, and as a registered charity with Revenue Canada in December of 2007, with registration number 834638165RR0001.
The story of CAFA begins while founding members Karen and Murray were living in Peru in the late 90’s. Dr. Mary Malca was a colleague at work and through her they met Dr. Raul Rodriguez a plastic surgeon at the Lima Children’s Hospital. Dr. Rodriguez talked about the challenges of care of young burn survivors living in poverty. When they set up ANIQUEM in 1999 Karen and Murray provided personal support. By 2006 they decided more could be done and the idea of CAFA was born. This has resulted in the organization that exists today. CAFA works closely with the ANIQUEM burn clinic in Lima and provides programs that enhance the work of ANIQUEM in promoting the rehabilitation of burned children.
"I have come to see at ANIQUEM how drastically the lives of children can change in a few a few short minutes when burned through fire or scalding. Their lives will never be the same. However the creation of CAFA has given us us the opportunity to positively impact their futures through effective rehabilitation and support."
- Karen Jones, CAFA President

Financial Statements are available from CAFA by email. We are able to allocate 100% of the funds provided by individual Canadian donors to our projects in Peru. Our funds are distributed to the programs detailed on this website. We have one full time staff member in Lima – a social worker - who delivers our programs while working closely with ANIQUEM patients. Our yearly ‘overhead’ typically runs less than 5% and goes towards office supplies and accounting costs.
Special thanks to our NGO donor Global Change for Children.

Regrets that Violeta was missing but we had an additional guest!
CAFA is governed by an elected, all volunteer, Board of Directors, comprised of eight persons filling the Officer positions and additional persons acting as Directors at large.
CAFA's current staff include:
· President - Karen Jones
· Treasurer - Violeta Lopez
· Vice President & Chairman - Alberto Chiang
· Secretary - Murray Jones
· Directors at Large - Katy Armas & Aura Tores
All positions are nominated and elected at the Annual General Meetings by voting members. The Board of CAFA is a working board, made up of volunteers committed to the purposes of the organization. No member receives compensation for their work. Any travel to Peru by members or volunteers is funded by the individual. The activities of CAFA are planned, implemented and evaluated by Board members.